राष्ट्रगान - National Anthem
Indian National Pledge - छात्र प्रतिज्ञा
India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give respect to my parents, teachers and all elders and treat everyone with courtesy. To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. For In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness. Jai Hind!
भारत मेरा देश है। सब भारतवासी मेरे भाई-बहन हैँ। मैँ अपने देश से प्रेम करता हूँ। इसकी समृद्ध एवं विविध संस्कृति पर मुझे गर्व है। मैँ सदा इसका सुयोग्य अधिकारी बनने का प्रयत्न करता रहूगाँ। मैँ अपने माता-पिता, शिक्षकोँ एवं गुरुजनोँ का सम्मान करुगाँ और प्रत्येक के साथ विनीत रहूगाँ। मैँ अपने देश और देशवासियोँ के प्रति सत्यनिष्ठा की प्रतिज्ञा करता हूँ। इनके कल्याण एवं समृद्धि मेँ ही मेरा सुख निहित है। जय हिन्द !
SIS Pledge
We stand as one Family Bound to each other with Love and Respect. We serve as an Army Courageous and Disciplined Ever ready to fight against all low Tendencies And false values, within and without us. We live Honestly The noble life of Sacrifice and Service Producing more than what we Consume And giving more than what we take. We seek the Lord’s Grace To keep us on the path of Virtue, Courage and Wisdom. May Thy grace and Blessings flow through us To the world around us. We believe that the service of our Country Is the service of the Lord of Lords And devotion to the People Is the devotion to the Supreme Self. We know our Responsibilities Give us the Ability and Courage to fulfill them. Om Tat Sat
SIS School Song
Ch: Our school is the school that we like best of all. SIS is the school that cares for all. We care together, share together, in God’s Name “Modesty and education”, we do proclaim.
1. We are the ones who decide to create the world. We are ones who buid up a new world. In love and harmony, we work for unity We are the makers of our destiny.
2. Together we are as a whole family Together we work with full unity, We learn humanity, we learn integrity We are the makers of our destiny.
वंदे मातरम् - Vande Mataram
वन्दे मातरम्। सुजलाम् सुफलाम् मलयज शीतलाम् शस्य श्यामलाम् मातरम्। वन्दे मातरम्। शुभ्र ज्योत्स्ना पुलकित यामिनीम् फुल्ल कुसुमित द्रुमदल शोभिनीम् सुहासिनीम् सुमधुर भाषिणीम् सुखदाम् वरदाम् मातरम्।। वन्दे मातरम्।